Section: Scientific Foundations

Speech Analysis and Synthesis

Our research activities focus on acoustical and perceptual cues of speech sounds, speech modifications and acoustic-to-articulatory inversion. Our main applications concern the improvement of the oral component of language learning, speech synthesis and esophageal voices.

Oral comprehension

We developed tools to improve speech perception and production, and made perceptual experiments to prove their efficiency in language learning. These tools are also of interest for hearing impaired people, as well as for normally hearing people in noisy environments and also for children who learn to read (children who have language disabilities without cognitive deficit or hearing impairment and "normal" children).

Computer-assisted learning of prosody

We are studying automatic detection and correction of prosodic deviations made by a learner of a foreign language. This work implies three different tasks: (a) the detection of the prosodic entities of the learner's realization (lexical accent, intonative patterns), (b) the evaluation of the deviations, by comparison with a model, and (c) their corrections, both verbal and acoustic. This last kind of feedback is directly done on the learner's realization: the deviant prosodic cues are replaced by the prosodic cues of the reference. The identification and correction tasks use speech analysis and modification tools developed in our team.

Within the framework of a new project (see 7.2.2 ), we also investigate the impact of a language intonational characteristics on the perception and production of the intonation of a foreign language.

Phonemic discrimination in language acquisition and language disabilities

We keep working on a project concerning identification of early predictors of reading, reading acquisition and language difficulties, more precisely in the field of specific developmental disabilities : dyslexia and dysphasia. A fair proportion of those children show a weakness in phonological skills, particularly in phonemic discrimination. However, the precise nature and the origin of the phonological deficits remain unspecified. In the field of dyslexia and normal acquisition of reading, our first goal was to contribute to identify early indicators of the future reading level of children.We based our work on the longitudinal study - with 85 French children - of [55] , [56] which indicates that phonemic discrimination at the beginning of kindergarten is strongly linked to sucess and specific failure in reading acquisition. We study now the link between oral discrimination both with oral comprehension and written compréhension. Our analyses are based on the follow up of a hundred chrildren for 4 years from kindergarten to end of grade 2 (from age 4 to age 8). Publications in progress.

Esophageal voices

It is possible for laryngectomees to learn a substitution voice: the esophageal voice. This voice is far from being natural. It is characterized by a weak intensity, a background noise that bothers listening, and a low pitch frequency. A device that would convert an esophageal voice to a natural voice would be very useful for laryngectomees because it would be possible for them to communicate more easily. Such natural voice restitution techniques would ideally be implemented in a portable device.

Acoustic-to-articulatory inversion

Acoustic-to-articulatory inversion aims at recovering the articulatory dynamics from speech signal that may be supplemented by images of the speaker face. Potential applications concern low bit rate speech coding, automatic speech recognition, speech production disorders assessment, articulatory investigations of phonetics, talking heads and articulatory feedback for language acquisition or learning.

Works on acoustic-to-articulatory inversion widely rely on an analysis by synthesis approach that covers three essential aspects:

Solving acoustic equations.

In order to solve the acoustic equations adapted to the vocal tract, one assumes that the sound wave is a plane wave in the vocal tract and that it can be unbend. There are two families of solving methods:

(i) frequency methods through the acoustical-electrical analogy,

(ii) spatio-temporal methods, through the direct solving of finite difference equations derived from Webster equations.

Measuring the vocal tract.

This represents an important obstacle because there does not exist any reliable method enabling a precise measurement in time and dimension. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) enables 3D measurements but is not sufficiently fast and X-rays only allows a sagittal slice of the vocal tract to be captured while involving not acceptable health hazards.

Articulatory modeling.

Articulatory models aim at describing all the possible vocal tract shapes with a small number of parameters, while preserving deformations observed on a real vocal tract. Present articulatory models often derive from data analysis of cineradiography moving pictures. One of the most widely used is the one built by Maeda [63] .

One of the major difficulties of inversion is that an infinity of vocal tract shapes can give rise to the same speech spectrum. Acoustic-to-articulatory inversion methods are categorized into two families:

  • methods that optimize a function generally combining speaker's articulatory effort and acoustical distance between natural and synthesized speech. They exploit constraints allowing the number of possible vocal tract shapes to be reduced.

  • table look-up methods resting on an articulatory codebook of articulatory shapes indexed by their acoustical parameters (generally formant frequencies). After possible shapes have been recovered at each time, an optimization procedure is used to find an inverse solution in the form of an optimal articulatory path.

As our contribution only concerns inversion, we accepted widely used articulatory synthesis methods. We therefore chose Maeda's articulatory model, the acoustical-electrical analogy to compute the speech spectrum and the spatio-temporal method proposed by Maeda to generate the speech signal. As regards inversion, we chose Maeda's model to constrain vocal tract shapes because this model guarantees that synergy and compensation articulatory phenomena are still possible, and consequently, that articulatory deformations close to those of a human speaker may be recovered. The most important challenges in this domain are the inversion of any class of speech sounds and to perform inversion from standard spectral data, MFCC for instance. Indeed at present, only vowels and sequences of vowels can be inverted, and only some attempts concern fricatives sounds. Moreover, most of the inversion techniques use formant frequencies as input data although formants cannot be extracted from speech easily and reliably.

Strategies of labial coarticulation

The investigation of labial coarticulations strategies is a crucial objective with the view of developing a talking head which would be understandable by lip readers, especially deaf persons.

In the long term, our goal is to determine a method of prediction of labial coarticulation adaptable to a virtual speaker. Predicting labial coarticulation is a difficult problem that gave rise to many studies and models. To predict the anticipatory coarticulation gestures (see [51] for an overall presentation of labial coarticulation), three main models have been proposed: the look-ahead model, the time-locked model and the hybrid model.

These models were often compared on their performance in the case of the prediction of anticipation protrusion in VCV or VCCV sequences where the first vowel is unrounded, the consonant(s) is neutral with respect to labial articulation and the last vowel is rounded. There is no general agreement about the efficiency of these models. More recent models have been developed. The one of Abry and Lallouache [44] advocates for the theory of expansion movements: the movement tends to be anticipated when no phonological constraint is imposed on labiality. Cohen and Massaro [49] proposed dominance functions that require a substantial numerical training.

Most of these models derive from the observations of a limited number of speakers. We are thus developing a more explicative model, i.e., essentially a phonetically based approach that tries to understand how speakers manage to control labial parameters from the sequence of phonemes to be articulated.

Speech Synthesis

Data-driven speech synthesis is widely adopted to develop Text-to-Speech (TTS) synthesis systems. Basically, it consists of concatenating pieces of signal (units) selected from a pre-recorded sentence corpus. Our ongoing work on acoustic TTS was recently extended to study acoustic-visual speech synthesis (bimodal units).

Text-to-speech synthesis

Data-driven text-to-speech synthesis is usually composed of three steps to transform a text in speech signal. The first step is Natural Language Processing (NLP) which tags and analyzes the input text to obtain a set of features (phoneme sequence, word grammar categories, syllables...). It ends with a prosodic model which transforms these features into acoustic or symbolic features (F0, intensity, tones...). The second step uses a Viterbi algorithm to select units from a corpus recorded beforehand, which have the closest features to the prosodic features expected. The last step amounts to concatenate these units.

Such systems usually generate a speech signal with a high intelligibility and a naturalness far better than that achieved by old systems. However, building such a system is not an easy task  [48] and the global quality mainly relies on the quality of the corpus and prosodic model. The prosodic model generally provides a good standard prosody, but, the generated speech can suffer from a lack of variability. Especially during the synthesis of extended passages, repetition of similar prosodic patterns can lead to a monotonous effect. Therefore, to avoid this problem due to the projection of linguistic features onto symbolic or acoustic dimensions (during NLP), we   [50] proposed to perform the unit selection directly from linguistic features without incorporating any prosodic information. To compensate the lack of prosodic prediction, the selection needs to be performed with numerous linguistic features. The selection is no longer restrained by a prosodic model but only driven by weighted features. The consequence is that the quality of synthesis may drop in crucial instants. Our works deal to overcome this new problem while keeping advantage of the lack of prosodic model.

These works have an impact on the construction of corpus and on the NLP engine which needs to provide as much information as possible to the selection step. For instance, we introduced a chunker (shallow parser) to give us information on a potential rhythmic structure. Moreover, to perform the selection, we developed an algorithm to automatically weight the linguistic features given by the NLP. Our method relies on acoustic clustering and entropy information  [50] . The originality of our approach leads us to design a more flexible unit selection step, constrained but not restrained.

Acoustic-visual speech synthesis

Audiovisual speech synthesis can be achieved using 3D features of the human face supervised by a model of speech articulation and face animation. Coarticulation is approximated by numerical models that describe the synergy of the different articulators. Acoustic signal is usually synthetic or natural speech synchronized with the animation of the face. Some of the audiovisual speech systems are inspired by recent development in speech synthesis based on samples and concatenative techniques. The main idea is to concatenate segments of recorded speech data to produce new segments. Data can be video or motion capture. The main drawback of these methods is that they focus on one field, either acoustic or visual. But (acoustic) speech is actually generated by moving articulators, which modify the speaker's face. Thus, it is natural to find out that acoustic and face movements are correlated. A key point is therefore to guarantee the internal consistency of the acoustic-visual signal so that the redundancy of these two signals acknowledged as a determining perceptive factor, can really be exploited by listeners. It is thus important to deal with the two signals (acoustic and visual) simultaneously and to keep this link during the whole process. This is why we make the distinction between audiovisual speech synthesis (where acoustic is simply synchronized with animation) and acoustic-visual speech where speech is considered as a bimodal signal (acoustic and visual) as considered in our work. Our long-term goal is to contribute to the fields of acoustic speech synthesis and audiovisual speech synthesis by building a bimodal corpus and developing an acoustic-visual speech synthesis system using bimodal unit concatenation.